Publication of Injurious Wildlife Regulations Delayed


The proposed
regulations for InJUriOUS
according to Mr.
Jim Lankford,
Program Director
for the U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service
,are approaching
their final
form. Although
they were origi -nally scheduled

for publication in the Federal Register in
1 une, action on the regulations has temporarily
been held in abeyance in part,
because of response to a written communication
from Congressman Robert Leggett
(D-Calif.) to Mr. Nathaniel Reed , Assistant
Secretary of the l nterior. Congressman
Leggett, Chairman of the House Merchant
Marine and Fisheries sub-committee on
Fisheries, Wildlife and Environment, has
requested Reed to consider holding an
administrative hearing for the record,
since the Lacey Act , under which the proposed
regulations are promulgated , is a criminal statute.