From the editor's desk


The Watchbird magazine is under
new editorship as of November 18,
1988 . jack Clinton-Eitniear, San
Antonio, Texas ; Dale R. Thompson,
Canyon Country, California; Jerry
Jennings, Woodland Hills, California,
will be serving as the editorial staff.
Eitniear has been a contributing
author to Watchbird for many years.
He is president of the International
Softbill Society and editor of its quarterly
bulletin, "The Honeycreeper; '
editor of "The Eyas;' a publication of
the Institute of Wildlife Management
of the National Wildlife Federation's
Raptor Information Center, Latin
American Region. He also serves
as co-editor for Vulture News, a journal
of the Vulture Study Group of the
Endangered Wildlife Trust, South
Africa. Eitniear has published over
fifty articles, both popular and scientific,
in various magazines, journals
and bulletins and has made literary
contributions to several books and
films .
Thompson is one of AFA's original
members and a long-standing contributor
of fine photos and articles to
the Watchbird and has served many
years as staff photographer. Thompson
was assistant curator of birds at
the Los Angeles Zoo during the '60s
and through the mid '70s. He then
moved on to become director of
Behavioral Study of Birds , Ltd. ,
Newhall, California. In addition to his
regular contributions of talent to the
Watchbird, he has served AFA as Avy
Awards chairman and convention
speaker committee chairman. Some
of his current projects are involving
production of wildlife programs for
PBS television.