Effects of Exercise on Reproduction m• Budgerigars


In the National Research Council's
Guide for the Care and Use of
Laboratory Animals (1972), exercise is
defined as "any physical activity:' The
purpose of this research is to determine
the effect of physical activity on the
reproductive system.
The need for exercise to maintain
good general health has been described
for several animals including rats (Farris,
1954), rabbits (Sawin, 1954), opossums
(Farris, 1954), and monkeys (Wagnen,
1954), although Pope indicates that it is
not necessary in lizards (1954). Dawson
states that female cats ''do not become
sexually receptive when confined to
cages,'' and that males should also be
allowed ''considerable freedom of
movement" (1954).
The budgerigar (Melopsittacus
undulatus) was chosen for the
experiment since it is a psittacine and
closely related to all parrot-like birds.
Some parrot-like birds are difficult to
breed and observations from budgerigars
may be cautiously applied to other psittacines.



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Farris, Edmond). "The Opossum" in The Care

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-267. Edited by Edmond]. Farris. New

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and Use of Laboratory Animals. National

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-330. Edited by Edmond]. Farris. New

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Rogers, Cyril. Pet Library's Parakeet Guide. Harrison,

NJ: The Pet Library Ltd. 1970.

Sawin, Paul B. "The Rabbit" in The Care and

Breeding of Laboratory Animals. pp. 153-181.

Edited by Edmond J. Farris. New York: John

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Snyder, Robert L. "Behavioral Stress in Captive

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Wagnen, G. Van. "The Monkey" in The Care and

Breeding of Laboratory Animals. pp. 1-42.

Edited by Edmond]. Farris, New York: John

Wiley & Sons. 1954