Toucan Tending


Toco toucans are a fascinating species that delight almost everyone that glimpses their magnificent bills, fur-like feathers and playful antics. However, raising such birds can be a trying task, not only because their diet is quite specialized but also because little is known about the species. When illnesses do occur, professional treat ment often is based on the more common psittacines, which may or may not be applicable to toucans.

I'm writing this article to share my trials and tribulations in trying to mate a pair of taco toucans and to later raise their offspring. I suppose that most people read books or articles in bird ·magazines when they undertake the task of caring for a newly acquired bird friend, and base their care on that information. That is the approach I took with my toucans, reading all the earlier articles in Watchbird that contained toucan information and reading any book about toucans that I could find. Those of you who raise toucans know you can count the number of informative....