Message from the President


It seems like just a few days ago we were enjoying ourselves in Portland talking with old and new friends and enjoying all the festivities involved. It was a grand conference and I believe was enjoyed by everyone.

One of the most popular items was the walk-through aviary (complete with

birds) furnished by Julie Corwin (APA northeast regional director). The bird show was also held there. Did any of you happen to see the 3 kidlets tagging along and wonder about them? As busy as Julie is working for aviculture and APA, she made the decision to adopt her three grandchildren when their future was clearly in jeopardy. She gives it her all, whether it is for APA or her family. We are indeed fortunate to have her as part of this organization.

Today, as I prepare this message, the colorful leaves outside are swirling furiously in the frigid wind and the ladybugs are entering the house through every nook and cranny. The seasons are changing and this means it is time to prepare for inclement weather.

I have spent the last two weeks preparing the aviaries for the winter. I did not fall off the ladder but did suffer a few minor injuries from the stapler. I knew all the tools should be off the ladder when it was moved, but was still very surprised when the stapler fell 20' and landed on my ankle. To add insult to injury this is the same stapler that smashed two of my knuckles.

With much effort, the birds are secure from the wind, rain and cold. The greenhouse heaters have been serviced and are keeping the temperatures in the aviaries at a tolerable level for humans and birds alike. The pig mats and fresh oat straw are out for the farm dogs. King, my elderly walking horse, had his teeth floated last week, and he and the other horses are already sporting a thick furry coat. Because of planning and preparation, I think we can handle what winter may bring.

APA board members are working diligently to prepare the organization for 2015. In November, many APA board members will attend the scheduled board of directors meeting in Houston, Texas. This is our budget meeting where our CFO, Brent Andrus, has the challenging task of preparing the proposed budget and prsenfing it to the board for approval. Every item is reviewed line by line. Discussions are held; adjustments are made and the budget is voted on before other agenda items are discussed.

The budget is more challenging each year. During the 1980s revenue from a larger membership, more club affiliations and donations allowed APA to fund programs that benefited many aspects of aviculture. A budget with diminishing income does not give us the ability to start new programs.