What to do When a Parrot Escapes


I started my career as an animal trainer working in a free-flighted bird show. I learned very early on that no matter how well trained your parrot is, there is always a risk that a bird could be lost. The reality is that a flyoff is a normal part of training birds to fly outside. In a bird show situation we do our very best to reduce risk when free flying birds. This means having many anchor birds in the area, a team of staff members trained and ready to respond if a bird were to fly off, and a very solid plan of action. Even with everything in place, a fly-off can still happen, and I can say I personally have been involved in the recovery of more lost birds than I can remember. The good thing about this experience is that I learned some very predictable things happen when a parrot flies away.

 Recently, lost parrots have been making the headlines. Sometimes the parrot is lost due to reckless behavior by caregivers. Sometimes caregivers are very responsible and accidents still happen. Flight feathers that have grown back in may go unnoticed. Sometimes doors are accidentally opened when a flighted parrot is out. And sometimes things beyond our control happen. The good news is that parrots are often very easily recovered. In all my years of doing bird shows, parrots were the easiest ones to get back. This is primarily due to the fact that most pet parrots tend to seek human companionship.

Spring has finally sprung, and more people are taking their birds out to enjoy some well- deserved fresh air and sunshine. My own flock of five flighted parrots is very much enjoying their outdoor aviary. Although I don't fly my personal birds outside, I am prepared if there is an accidental escape, and you should be too. Being prepared will make a world of difference if you find yourself searching for a lost parrot.

The following are the strategies I've used over the years to recover a lost bird. You can find additional information in the

DVD "Get Your Bird Back - What to Do When a Parrot Is Lost". This is a DVD Robin Shewokis and I put together. The DVD CD-ROM set includes MP3s of many different parrot calls that you can download onto your phone to help in your search. It also includes templates for lost bird flyers, and checklists that will facilitate your search. You can order the DVD set from www.goodbirdinc.com and www.theleatherelves.com. If you are in need of immediate help, the video can be viewed as an online rental right away at https:llvimeo.com/ondemandlgetyourbirdback.


Bird Is Flying Away

• Call to your bird loudly as he is flying-it may help him find his way back to you.

• As your bird is flying, do not take your eyes off of him. Note the last place you saw him, the level of his flight, how tired he looked. He may have landed in that area.

• Grab your cell phone! Start recruiting people to help the search.

More eyes are important once you've lost sight of the bird.