Message from the President


When I attended my first convention in 1995, I was the epitome of a first timer! The only person I knew was

my friend, Julia Stacy. I recall feeling a little out of place the first day or so-there were so many attendees I did not know, talking about what had transpired in their lives since the previous convention.

When attending my first few conventions, I did not even have any online friends to anticipate finally meeting in person. In 1995 only 32 percent of Americans owned computers and fewer than 15 percent of those used the Internet.

I decided to overcome my apprehension and was delighted I made a concerted effort to meet and greet others who shared my passion. By the end of each convention, I had introduced myself to some of the speakers and made many new friends along the way. Now I look forward to meeting new people every year that I have met online.

Our 38th annual convention in San Antonio, Texas, is approaching quickly. I invite you to join us and be a part of the excitement and fun, whether as a first-timer or as a veteran attendee.

This is the first time the public has been invited to see the "Golden Macaws" displayed in a custom-designed aviary constructed and donated by LGL Animal Care Products Inc., and Dr. Benny Gallaway of Bryan, Texas. We will also exhibit some ofWayne E. Smyth's artwork, celebrating nearly 20 years of AFA history.

Many people have been working together all year to bring you speakers, activities and events that will be memorable, entertaining and educational.

If you have never attended a convention, this is a good year to begin. If you have attended previous conventions, this is another one not to be missed.

It's been quite a few years since my first convention, but I still remember what it is like to be a first timer, and the wonderful reception I received. Please decide to join us, and take a minute to introduce yourself and tell me about your birds. I look forward to meeting everyone, new and old friends alike.

In friendship, Nancy Speed