All Swans are Beautiful


A pair of swans swimming gracefully on a farm pond provides a beautiful view for persons of all ages. At a time when farm ponds are becoming so popular, most are relatively unmanaged. Many are becoming choked with vegetation. Swans can be the practical answer to these problems as they relish this vegetation.

The 'fact that· swans are vegetarians is cause for new attention being given to them as biological control of plant life. Surface scum and a majority of submerged aquatic plants are among the favorite food of a swan. This eliminates the need to use chemicals and herbicides that are sometimes detrimental. The swans physical activity on the surface of a pond helps give the pond a clean look because air and surface tension lose their hold on plant material. Some fish hatcheries are using swans in their pools to control algae, so in addition to their beauty, the cost is off-set by their functional attributes.

Those of us who keep and raise waterfowl sooner or later come to the conclusion that our collection should include swans. The only question in our minds is which species is best suited to our particular situation. I hesitate to recommend a particular species as the choice of bird is largely a matter of personal preference. The size and location of the pond in relation to one's dwelling is a factor which probably should be taken in to consideration.

On a large pond which is some distance from one's home, the large white Mutes might be the better choice as their size and color make them easily seen. Their courtships, nesting habits, and care of their young are a constant source of interest and pleasure.

The Australian Blacks are probably the most friendly of all the swans. If one's preference really turns to this species, it is a beautiful choice. In the mild climate zones, all the Blacks will produce two clutches of cygnets a year. and some will raise three or even four clutches. The cygnets are unusually hardy and easy to raise so if one is a beginner at keeping swans, the Blacks would be a good choice to start with.