The American Cockatiel Society


The American Cockatiel Society was founded in February 1977 by a small group of dedicated Cockatiel fanciers in Fort Worth, Texas. Membership to A.C.S was presented to the Fort Worth Bird Club on February 17, at which time fifteen new members were added. The courtesy advertisement in Watchbird magazine was responsible for another forty members. From this small beginning the Society has grown to a world wide membership of over 650. A.C.S. is now represented in all fifty states and in six foreign countries.

The growth of any society is determined by its ability to communicate. To bridge the communication gap. Dee Dee Squyres assumed the duties of corresponding secretary and Tom Squyres became bulletin editor. The first bulletin was published in May of 1977 and mailed to one hundred members.

The American Cockatiel Society was formed because of the need for such a specialty club. The desire was, and is to have a true national society. This can only be accomplished by equal voice from each and every area of the country. The first one hundred members were deemed charter members, who elected the first and present board of officers. The group of charter members represents fifteen states.

The Cockatiel has shown a tremendous popularity increase in recent years. This increase can be attributed partly to the new mutations. Three mutations have been established in the last decade; this is more than in the entire history of the Cockatiel. Some of the credit must also go to the pet owner. who realizes what an outstanding pet the Cockatiel is. A.C.S. 's desire is to cater to both the breeder and the pct owner. Through the medium of the bulletin you will learn what to expect from a double cross mutation or how to care for a pet Cockatiel.

The goal of the society includes establishing an ideal standard for the Cockatiel, and to train and direct judges to this standard. The society's aim is to encourage closed banding and careful record keeping of all birds. and to share the knowledge and ideals of all members through the medium of the A.C.S. bulletin.

What has The American Cockatiel Society accomplished in one short year? A National Cockatiel Specialty Show, "the first in America." will be held this November in Atlanta, Georgia. A.C.S. also publishes it's own show catalogue. A bimonthly bulletin is mailed to some 700 members worldwide. Traceable. coded, A. C. S. bands are offered to all members at a small cost. A proposed standard for the Cockatiel is now in effect.

The list of accomplishments is impressive. but only the surface has been scratched. Such items as screening and selection of judges to form an A.C.S. judges panel is on the agenda for 1979. The appointment of state representatives for all fifty states is another program yet to be accomplished. And of course the upgrading of the bulletin to keep the members better informed must be given top priority. For only $7.50 a year the American Cockatiel Society has much to offer. COME JOIN US, YOU WILL FIND A.C.S. INTERESTING, REWARDING. AND EVEN FUN