Profiles, T. Chrisler, S. Clause



Tanner Chrislers broad educational and business background have prepared him well for the unlikely combination of breeding pigeons and developing wholesome public relations. A graduate of Amherst College with a B.A. in English. he began is early business experience in advertising. After rising to the head of a local retail chain, he decided to go into business for himself. For the past 8 years he has run his own business. selling graphic specialties to advertisers. He prides himself on developing items that are new in the marketing world. An example of his creative approach is the ·'PIGEON POWER!" slogan which he made available on T-shirts and bumper stickers for his fellow pigeon fanciers.

Mr. Chrislers lifelong interest in bird breeding began at the age of 12 when he got his first pair of pigeons. With his father's help. he soon found the sport and challenge of raising show Kings, a large breed that was first developed to produce squabs for the restaurant trade. While white Kings are the most common color. Mr. Chrisler began introducing new colors in the early I 960's. Since then he has been credited with focusing such attention on color breeding that the color mix in Kings has undergone major changes in recent years - both in America and in Europe. where the pigeon fancy is hundreds of years old.

As Publicity Director of the American Pigeon Fanciers Council. Mr. Chrisler persuaded the nation's largest animal feed manufacturer to publish and distribute a free booklet explaining the many aspects of the pigeon hobby. Having "sold" the concept to the company. he then wrote the booklet for them. The booklet. "Fun with Pigeons" won an award for Mr. Chrisler and one for the company from the National Pigeon Association, and now, in its third printing, it is the most widely read piece on pigeons ever published.

Among pigeon breeders Mr. Chrisler is best recognized for his monthly column in the American Pigeon Journal, where he discusses every kind of topic from scientific subjects to ways around the high cost of feed to personality profiles on octogenarian breeders. Known as the kind of writer who "calls 'em as he seems 'em", Mr. Chrisler has served as guest speaker at club meetings and banquets throughout the country.

Mr. Chrisler was instrumental in convincing the American Pigeon Fanciers Council to join the AF A and support its programs. One of his latest articles, "Bird Keeping and the Law". explaining the AFA and extolling "The Watchbird " appeared in three leading pigeon magazines with combined readership of over 25 ,000.


Stephen R. Clause, multi-media specialist. photographer. and aviculturist resides in San Diego's North County. There he and his wife. Sharon, and son. Steve. farm exotic birds on the S.C. Ranch.

A graduate of San Diego State University, Mr. Clause earned a B.S. in zoology and a M .S. in Educational Technology and Librarianship. He has specialized in multi-media production and photography. forming the SC Multi-Media Productions Company. He also teaches multi-media production and photography in the San Diego City Schools System.

His interest in lire-sciences lead Mr.

Clause first to farm the sea and then to farm exotic birds. His involvement in the A.F.A. began in 1976 when he was invited to the A.F.A. Convention to conduct a workshop on his research with the Australian Zebra Finch. He now co-chairs the A.F.A. Education Committee with his wife. and is a staff photographer for two publications. Agapornis World and the watchbird.

Mr. Clause's hobbies include polo. horseback riding, training and showing hunting dogs. skiing, and racquetball.