From The Editor's Desk


Well, Dr. Baer is gone. After three years of fighting with him, when I was just about to win one round what does he do? He retires. Drat and blast! Now I must start all over again with Tom.

Because of Dr. Baer's astute and self less leadership, Tom has z'nherited an


organization that has gained much in numbers, prestie, honor, and influence. We all trust that President Ireland wt/I add to that.

Now, whtle I'm studying my strategy for the future, we should push on with a few letters that have come to me.


Dear Sheldon,

Through the pages of Wacchbird I wish co thank the AFA for inviting me co speak at the AFA convention in Sao Diego. Ir was a masc enjoyable and rewarding experience co be among so many enthusiastic aviculcuriscs-iodeed, it was the highlight of my year. The generous hospitality of the Southern California aviculturists who invited my husband and me to their homes was also greatly appreciated and will be long remembered.

Yours sincerely,

Rosemary Low