Linda S. Rubin of Boston Vsits Australia


T he American Federation of Aviculture's long time [now retired] Northeastern Region Director, Linda S. Rubin, of Boston, Massachusetts, traveled to Australia earlier this year as the guest of the Brisbane-based Australian National Cockatiel Society and the Sydneybased Native Cockatiel Society of Australia. The two cockatiel societies decided to share their resources to bring an experienced aviculturist from the U.S. who was knowledgeable in the genetics of cockatiel mutations.

As a result, they invited Linda Rubin to Australia to speak at two specially convened meetings; the first in Brisbane, the capital city of Queensland. and the second in Sydney, the capital city of New South Wales.

Linda's two one-hour programs in each city were titled "Recent Mutations in Cockatiels' and "History ofCoceatiel Husbandry in the United States." Mike Anderson of Brisbane, the coordinator of Linda's trip to Australia, said:

"Linda's four lectures were professionally presented, highly informative, and


illustrated with excellent colour slides."

Following her commitments to the cockatiel societies Linda flew to Melbourne, Victoria (Australia's most southern mainland state), where she was met by Wa1wick Remington and Graeme Hyde, who were hosting the final part of her trip "Down Under." We had met Linda Rubin in 1994 when, together with Barry Hutchins, we were the three speakers representing Australia at the AFA's Twentieth Anniversary Convention held in Knoxville Tennessee.

As secretary of. t~e Avicultural Society of Australia I arranged a special meeting of the ASA in Melbourne in our regular venue, for Friday May 30, 1997, with Linda as the "Overseas Guest Speaker" on the subject "Keeping PaiTOIS and Coceatiels in American Aoiculture"

One hundred members enjoyed Linda's colour slide presentation, which was followed by a 30 minute question and answer segment, after which members had the opportunity to talk with Linda informally on a one to one basis during the extended supper time .