Propagation of Sheldgeese in Captivity


For many years the Sheldgeese have
been popular subjects for Aviculturists
and Zoologists. They inhabit the Southern
Hemisphere of the world . These geese
have interesting habits, and beautiful
color patterns. Most authorities divide
them into 5 Genuses:
1. Genus CEREOPSIS - Cape Barren
Geese (from the south coast of Australia).
2. Genus CHLOEPHAGA - Andean
Geese (from the Highlands of Peru,
Bolivia, Chile & Argentina),
Ashy Headed Geese (from Chile &
Ruddy Headed Geese (from Argentina,
Patagonia & Falkland Islands) ,
Lesser Magellan Geese (from S. Chile,
& Argentina),
Greater Magellan Geese (from Falkland
Lesser Kelp Geese (from S. Chile),
Greater Kelp Geese (from Falkland
3. Genus CY ANOCHEN - Abyssinian
Blue-Wing Geese (from the Highlands
of Abyssinia & Shoa).
4. Genus NEOCHEN - Orinoco Geese
(from N.E. South America).
5. Genus ALOPOCHEN- Egyptian Geese
(from Southern and Central Africa
& the Nile River Plains).