Chaucer, the Puppet Master: Role and Significance of Depiction in Festive Function


  • Nidhi Rajkumar University of Houston
  • Nidhi Rajkumar University of Houston


Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales, Robyn the Miller, The Miller's Tale,


The idea of the puppet show where there is one puppet-master, telling tales from behind the puppets he is manipulating on strings seemed to reflect in Chaucer and the Canterbury Tales on so many levels. In this paper I look at the function of the Canterbury Tales from the functional role of Chaucer’s “puppets”, the pilgrims. As I look at the influences that shaped Chaucer as he constructed them, I also look at the various functions these constructs fulfilled. 

Author Biography

  • Nidhi Rajkumar, University of Houston
    Nidhi Rajkumar is an internationally experienced creative professional with over 15 years of management, commercial, freelance and academic experience.  She is currently pursuing a PhD in Rhetoric, Composition and Pedagogy at the University of Houston.


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