At Home Flea Population Control via Store Bought Products for both the Environment and Host


  • Kelly Roseberry


Flea assoicated domestic issues are a common problem associated with urban pest control, and understanding of the flea life cycle is vitral to development of effective management protocol of flea infestation. For the purposes of this experiment, evaluation of assorted over the counter chemical products were compared to determine the most effective method of controlling a domestic Ctenocephalides felis infestation. To determine comparative control ability, several over the counter treatment options were purchased and applied such that effects on flea population present in a select household could be measured over the span of a month. It was determined that all products tested appeared to have immediate and short term results of killing off approximately 75% of the domestic flea population, but when the Trifexis was applied to the canine host extermination was lsower but dramatically more effective overall. Findings support the use of directly applied flea control medicaiton as opposed to in home pesticide treatments.

