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Saponieri, A., Di Risio, M., Pasquali, D., Valentini, N., Aristodemo, F., Tripepi, G., Celli, D., Streicher, M., & Damiani, L. (2018). BEACH PROFILE EVOLUTION IN FRONT OF STORM SEAWALLS: A PHYSICAL AND NUMERICAL STUDY. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(36), papers.70.


Large-scale physical experiments (Froude scale, 1:4.3) were performed at the new Delta Flume in 2017, aimed at investigating wave impacts on a vertical wall placed on the top of a dike in a mild slope shallow foreshore. Experiments also allowed to investigate the morphological evolution of the sandy foreshore, the scour at the dike toe and its development under irregular and bi-chromatic wave conditions. Both experimental results and numerical study performed to design the experiments are reported. Moreover, preliminary validation of the model to investigate the scour within a wider range of wave conditions and foreshore slopes is illustrated.


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