Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference



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Weiss, R., Munoz, A. J., Dalrymple, R. A., Herault, A., & Bilotta, G. (2011). THREE-DIMENSIONAL MODELING OF LONG-WAVE RUNUP: SIMULATION OF TSUNAMI INUNDATION WITH GPU-SPHYSICS. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(32), currents.8.


Tsunamis need to be studied more carefully and quantitatively to fully understand their destructive impact on coastal areas. Numerical modeling provides an accurate and useful method to model tsunami inundations on a coastline. However, models must undergo a detailed verification and validation process to be used as an accurate hazard assessment tool. Using standards and procedures given by NOAA, a new code in hydrodynamic modeling called GPU-SPHysics can be verified and validated for use as a tsunami inundation model. GPU-SPHysics is a meshless, Lagrangian code that utilizes the computing power of the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) to calculate high resolution hydrodynamic simulations using the equations given by Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH). GPU-SPHysics has proven to be an accurate tool in modeling complex tsunami inundations, such as the inundation on a conical island, when tested against extensive laboratory data.


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