Exploratory Research of Online Learning in Quantitative Business Courses


  • Diane Joyce Fulton Clayton State University
  • Richard Allen Fulton Troy University - Global Campus


online learning, business, quantitative disciplines, tools, technology, skills, methods


The purpose of this research is to analyze the optimal pedagogical tools and methods for teaching quantitative disciplines in the newest delivery modes of blended and online education. This study will focus on a comprehensive literature review of quantitative disciplines in business and related areas. Which pedagogies are the same and which are different based on discipline? Practices, tools and approaches that are used and deemed effective in online learning will be overviewed and analyzed across disciplines in this exploratory research. The top rated skills and competencies for each quantitative discipline will be reviewed and summarized for similarities and differences.

Author Biographies

Diane Joyce Fulton, Clayton State University

Dr. Diane Fulton has been an educator for 45 years and is Emeritus Professor at Clayton State University in the College of Business. She has taught Management and Marketing courses and most recently, Sports, Film and Entertainment courses at undergraduate and graduate levels. She has several books, book chapters and numerous scholarly publications in journals such as Planning, Small Business Journal, Enterpreneurship Journal, Organizational Dynamics, and Journal of Technology Research.

Richard Allen Fulton, Troy University - Global Campus

Assistant Professor Richard A. Fulton (M.S., Illinois State University) teaches computer science and information systems courses at Troy University (Alabama) for its Global Campus. He has recently published in The Journal of Technology Research, The Journal of Scientific Information on Political Theory and the International Journal of Innovation, Technology and Management.


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