The Inter-Group Interaction: An Innovative Approach to Cooperative Learning


  • Barbara J. Howard
  • Peter M. Markulis
  • S. Dolly Malik
  • Daniel R. Strang


There has been a growing interest in the use of cooperative learning in colleges and universities during the past several years. This paper discusses the use of an innovative approach to cooperative learning, the Inter-group Interaction (IGI). For many academics, IGI is viewed as an attractive but difficult to implement approach to classroom pedagogy. The authors believe, however, that with proper planning and careful implementation, the IGI can be an excellent pedagogy for enhancing both disciplinary knowledge and behavioral skills for business students. This paper reviews the brief body of literature on the subject and presents the benefits and challenges of using the inter-group interaction method. The paper discusses both the academic advantages and practical logistics of using the IGI approach and presents a model plan for using the IGI approach based on the authors’ own experiences with using the approach. The paper also presents a list of combinations where an IGI approach might be beneficial.


