Threshold: A Windows-Based Behaviorally Oriented Total Enterprise Simulation


  • Philip H. Anderson
  • Timothy W. Scott


Threshold: A Competitive Management Simulation, 2nd Edition, is a PC Windows-based computer simulation exercise. Threshold simulates the workings of a small, two product manufacturing business. An instructor can set up a competitive environment for 2 to 16 company teams. These teams manage separate companies that compete with each other in the same marketplace. Each decision period represents 3 months (i.e., one quarter) of the company’s operations. Participants make approximately 30 decisions per decision period. This exercise has been designed for use in Introduction to Business, or Introductory Management courses. It has also been used successfully in senior-level policy and strategy courses, in MBA short courses, capstone courses in community colleges, and in corporate training programs. Materials include installation disks, participant’s manual, and an administrator’s manual.


