History of Water and Habitat Improvement in the Nueces Estuary, Texas, USA
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department


coastal conservation
habitat sustainability
freshwater inflow
ecosystem-based management

How to Cite

Hill, Erin M., Brien A Nicolau, and Paul V. Zimba. 2011. “History of Water and Habitat Improvement in the Nueces Estuary, Texas, USA”. Texas Water Journal 2 (1). College Station, Texas:97-111. https://doi.org/10.21423/twj.v2i1.2104.


Reservoir impoundments in the Nueces watershed (Texas, USA) have reduced Nueces River flows to the coast by more than 50% since the 1980s. Reductions in freshwater inflows prompted state and local managers, along with scientists, to embark on a 3-decade process of ecosystem-based restoration and habitat improvement in the Nueces Estuary. Current management efforts in the estuary have increased freshwater flow to the Rincon Bayou and habitat has been protected from land acquisition in the Nueces Delta. Restoring freshwater flow and acquiring land in the Nueces Delta was not easily accomplished but has been successful through the efforts of federal, state, local agencies, and nongovernmental organizations. This paper also describes mitigation activities that have taken place in the Nueces Estuary.

Citation: EM Hill, BA Nicolau, PV Zimba. 2011. History of water and habitat improvement in the Nueces estuary, Texas, USA. Texas Water Journal. 2(1):97-111. Available from: https://doi.org/10.21423/twj.v2i1.2104.



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2011 Erin M. Hill, Brien A. Nicolau, Paul V. Zimba