Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference


beach erosion
emergency nourishment project
shoreline change

How to Cite

Yang, Y., Zhang, J., Kuang, C., Zhang, Y., He, L., Pan, Y., & Liu, S. (2011). ANALYSIS ON PERFORMANCE OF THE EMERGENCY NOURISHMENT PROJECT AT WEST BEACH OF BEIDAIHE, CHINA. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(32), sediment.98.


Beach erosion is prevalent on China's 18,000 km-long coastline, which has been aggravating due to urban development, river-damming and soil and water conservation projects since late 1970s. Beach erosion threatens the health of beaches of bathing places throughout the world. An effective way to defense the beach erosion is beach nourishment. In this paper, the study on an experimental beach nourishment project, which was conducted to provide data and experience for a large-scale project, was detailed. Field survey was conducted to study the performance of the project. Before and after the project, 8 monitoring profiles had been kept measuring along with the berm positions. The beach profile measurement indicates that after a little retreat the beach got relatively equilibrium, while the berm measurement shown a broadened intertidal zone getting stable eventually. In a word, the filled beach was eroded a little but finally got relatively stable in the survey period.


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